I recently shared a Facebook post about the activities other writers do when they are stuck. Dan Brown, for instance, apparently has a device where he can hang upside down. I write sitting at my desk, and I do it all day, every day. When I am thinking something through, I take a trip to the pantry. As you can imagine, writing is not kind to my behind! I needed to do something about it and so I recently completed a one day course run by Rebecca Cragnolini and Imelda Curtin of Click Weight Success in Christchurch, NZ. This is the link to their page: clickweightsuccess.co.nz.
The workshop was incredibly empowering and followed up by weekly emails and meditations to keep us on track. I am half way through the follow-up support and thought I would take stock and see what changes in myself I have noticed.
Firstly, I am sleeping so much better. As a writer I am juggling not just Sabrina Summers but newspaper clients, teaching commitments and a busy home life so I never had a quiet mind. Now, I wake up with energy and clear thoughts, just what I need to get this darned book finished.
Secondly, I’m annoyingly happy! Seriously, all the time. I’m full of beans and take pleasure in little things. I’m even excited about getting the weeding done on my garden because I know that means I can enjoy it afterwards.
Thirdly, yes I have lost weight. Not much, but some, and the great thing about it is that I haven’t gone on any kind of soul-destroying diet or been a slave to the gym. I’ve just got a different attitude – I’ve got the energy to go to the gym and put more effort in while I am there, and I choose to have healthier food.
I’ve got several targets to reach by the New Year – writing targets, marketing targets, and health targets and I’ll be reporting back on how I do, but thanks to the lovely Rebecca and Imelda, I’m confident I’ll get there. Watch this space!