One of the fabulous things about being published by Morgan James is the sense of community between the company’s authors. Cindy Mazzaferro, author of “Powerful Beyond Measure” kindly reached out and got in touch, and I’ve spent time the last week not only reading her book but using the resources that come with it.
First as a teacher, then as a writer, I’ve been prone to “imposter syndrome,” the feeling that I am just pretending to be a grown-up. Cindy’s book has put paid to all that nonsense, and I feel comfortable in my skin and proud of my voice.
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how we shape girls and boys as they grow up, and how important it is to let them know they “are unique, important and can play a beneficial role in the world” (Cindy’s words, not mine). The steps in Cindy’s books are designed to teach us how to be true to ourselves again. A key factor for me was putting my past behind me by acknowledging it and learning from it. I especially loved the fact that I picked up a pen and a piece of paper to do some of the exercises, instead of using a keyboard. I teach creative writing and one of the techniques I pass on is freewriting – I had just forgotten what a powerful tool that is!
Overall, an affirming, even changing book and workbook – I feel a lot more confident and centred as I begin my journey as Morgan James published author, and what’s more, I actually believe in my success at last, too.