by Michele Clark McConnochie | Sep 17, 2019 | Cats, Uncategorized, Writing, Writing for Children and Young Adults
When I first went freelance a few years ago, I was grateful for the chance to work stress-free and uninterrupted. I reckoned without my two rescue cats – Cleo and Twinkle. Here is a typical day. 6:15am Alarm. Writer gets up to make tea. Cleo and Twinkle rush to show...
by Michele Clark McConnochie | Jun 18, 2015 | Cats, Writing
Following on from my earlier blog about how perfect cats are as a writer’s companion, I found this link about famous writers and their cats: Oh yes, and since it’s...
by Michele Clark McConnochie | Jun 3, 2015 | Cats, Indie Publishing, The Dralfynia Sagas, Writing for Children and Young Adults
I am well underway with writing Sabrina Summers’ Second Saga, and having great fun plotting things to do to the Beast and to Witchy Wu. I am being kept company by Cleo, who has taken over the best chair in my study, and Twinkle, who has made a nest from the...