by Michele Clark McConnochie | Jan 30, 2020 | The Dralfynia Sagas, Writing, Writing for Children and Young Adults
I first joined the Brownies when I was 7 or 8 years old, when my father was stationed in West Berlin in what was then West Germany. I moved onto the Girl Guides both there and in Telford, England. I wasn’t the most dedicated, but even decades later, I can still...
by Michele Clark McConnochie | Dec 3, 2019 | Writing
As a children’s author, I think it’s important to celebrate all aspects of children’s literature, including their own, and to find out from the horse’s mouth (so to speak), what matters to them. Over the past couple of years, I have run several story-writing...
by Michele Clark McConnochie | Sep 17, 2019 | Cats, Uncategorized, Writing, Writing for Children and Young Adults
When I first went freelance a few years ago, I was grateful for the chance to work stress-free and uninterrupted. I reckoned without my two rescue cats – Cleo and Twinkle. Here is a typical day. 6:15am Alarm. Writer gets up to make tea. Cleo and Twinkle rush to show...
by Michele Clark McConnochie | Mar 18, 2018 | Writing
One of the fabulous things about being published by Morgan James is the sense of community between the company’s authors. Cindy Mazzaferro, author of “Powerful Beyond Measure” kindly reached out and got in touch, and I’ve spent time the last week not only reading her...
by Michele Clark McConnochie | Mar 8, 2018 | Writing for Children and Young Adults
When I first started teaching, back in the 1990s, I mainly taught teenagers. It used to grieve me to see so many young women behaving as they and their futures and careers were less important than those of the boyfriends they so desperately wanted. Those experiences...